Friday, October 22, 2010

Word of the Day

Darwin was quidding this morning! Guess a visit from you-know-who is in order. The first person who can tell me…

1) What quidding is
2) How it can be fixed

…gets the brownie points. I’ll also post a picture of you and your horse (or just your horse) on the blog for everyone to admire.

On a related note, I will soon be putting in a call to the vet to make an appointment for fall vaccinations. What shots are your horses getting before winter, if any? Do you only vaccinate in the spring? Why/why not? A more in depth post on vaccinations will follow after the vet visit, but for now I’m simply curious to see what other people give their horses.

1 comment:

  1. Quidding is when a horse drops food from his mouth because he has a problem chewing!
