Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Buck Brannaman: A True Cowboy

I saw this movie tonight. It is a documentary about Buck Brannaman. I have never really followed Buck before. I just thought he was one of those natural horsemanship guys. I lumped him in with Monty Roberts and Pat Parelli. Boy, was I wrong. The biggest thing I took away from this movie can be summed up in the following quote:

“Your horse is a mirror to your soul.
Sometimes you might not like what you see…
Sometimes you will.”
Buck Brannaman

Your horse is a reflection of you. Who you are, what you feel, what you are afraid of. I was riding Day in the indoor yesterday. It was raining and the back doors were halfway open. As we approached the doors at a trot I wondered what would happen if some rain blew in through the door and spooked Day. No rain blew in, but she sure did spook…

Go see this movie. Study it. Learn from it. I know I will.

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