Monday, October 3, 2011

You don't wear a helmet? You're an idiot.

I see no reason to beat around the bush on this topic. Recently on Fugly Horse of the Day (a blog that used to be run by the snarky Cathy and is now being authored by the more level headed, western minded Mugly) a post came up that questioned the use of a helmet when riding in a round-a-bout way. What makes Fugly truly entertaining is not the posts themselves (although many of them are great fun) but the comments. On this particular post there were a wide range of comments, from those believe you should wear a helmet if you just look at a horse to others who think if you wear a helmet it means you’re a wimpy person who shouldn’t be riding to begin with.

Let me say this again, just so you’re clear on what side of the fence I am on:

If you don’t wear a helmet, you’re an idiot. A moh-ron. An ignoramus. A stupid, stupid person. Etc. etc. etc.

The way I see it, there are three types of people who don’t wear helmets.

1) Lazy People. We’ve all been there. You just want to take your horse out for a short walk. You’re not even going to leave the ring, for god sakes. Why bother running into the tack room and putting a helmet on? It’s just going to waste time you don’t have. You know what else wastes time? Having to go the hospital. Those waiting rooms take FOREVER. If you don’t have the two minutes it takes to go into the tack room and put on your helmet, then what business do you have riding your horse? I bet your buddy would enjoy a nice grooming session any day of the week rather than a quick ten minute ride where you’re unfocused and impatient to begin with.

2) Vain People. When I see people riding without a helmet, I do not think ‘Wow, look at how beautiful they are! Look at their hair blowing in the breeze. They are just SO awesome.’; I think ‘What is wrong with this picture? Something… something… oh, now I see it. That person doesn’t have a helmet on. What an idiot.’ Do you think NFL players care that their helmets look like big boxes on their head? As least we don’t have grills on the front of our helmets, nor are we on national television when we ride. At least not most of us. I actually like the way I look in a helmet, especially with my hair pulled neatly up.

3) Arrogant People. I think I hate these types of riders the most. The kind that are all casual about not wearing a helmet, the kind that say without actually saying ‘yeah, I’m not going to wear a helmet… yeah, it’s because I know I’m awesome and I won’t fall off”. Um, no. When you and your horse can jump a fence like this, then you’ve earned the right (if you could even call it that) to not wear a helmet. Until then, shut your mouth. The new girl at my barn doesn't wear a helmet when she rides. Bareback. With a halter and a leadrope for a bridle. So far she hasn't fallen, but I'm just waiting for the inevitable to happen. When she does fall and her head pops open like a watermelon I'll rush her to the emergency room, but I won't feel sorry for her. I'll feel sorry for her parents and loved ones. For those of you interested, the picture is of Phillip Dutton on the amazing Connaught.

So there you have it. If you don’t wear a helmet it is because you are either lazy, vain, or arrogant… or perhaps a mixture of all three. Any excuse I have ever heard as to why someone does not wear a helmet can fit into one of the above categories.

Wear a helmet when you ride a horse. Is there really a good reason not to? Riding horses is dangerous. If the only way we can really protect ourselves is to wear a dinky little helmet on our heads that costs $30, why not just shut up and do it?

The first video is of Courtney King Dye riding a grand prix freestye. The second video is of Courtney King Dye after she fell off one of her quiet, well trained horses when he tripped over his own feet at the canter.


  1. Great post. Definitely something important to consider! I'm currently in the process of switching myself and my horse over from a western-oriented program to an english-oriented program. I have to say that english riders are miles ahead of the western folks. I used to show at the Quarter Horse breed level, traveling to a number of shows in my province and even traveling down to Montana for some shows. And I don't recall anyone wearing a helmet when it wasn't explicitly required by the rulebook (the hunter-under-saddle and hunt-seat-equitation class). Not when they were schooling and definitely not when when they showed their western classes. It's in the AQHA rulebook that in a western class you much wear a western hat OR a helmet, so there is no excuse! Further, in the hunt seat classes, 95% of the riders don't even do up their helmet straps! They just turn them under so it "looks cleaner." I think you're required to have an approved helmet in the over-fence classes, but that's it. I didn't personally see any terrible wrecks in the western pleasure and horsemanship classes, but I'm sure it happens and if probably only a matter of time before it happens in my area. Not to mention the number of wrecks I have seen in some of the faster-paced western events like reining, cutting and especially working cow horse...

    I just thought I'd share a view of different discipline of horsemanship!

  2. Great article, but I still don't think even if you are riding at the level of Phillip Dutton that it qualifies you NOT to wear a helmet. Accidents still happen no matter how well you ride or how advanced you are.

  3. Completely agreed, Lisa. It was a bit of a jab/tongue in cheek at the people whose biggest defense of not wearing a helmet is because they are "awesome" riders and will "never" fall off.

    If I rode like Philip Dutton I would wear two helmets and body armor. Just looking at that jump makes me dizzy!
