Monday, February 28, 2011

Turtle, Turtle!

So this morning as I was shaking out hay into Tom's stall (one of the older horses who requires his flake of hay to be loosened up so he can chew it more easily) I heard something clunking inside of the flake. This in itself isn't unusual; I've been finding quite a few sticks and pieces of wood in the hay lately. Without thinking I reached in, grabbed the clunking thing, and tugged it out. When it fell free I screamed at the top of my lungs (embarrassing, I know) and jumped a good three feet back. I was looking at a turtle. A honest to goodness, smooshed up but still recognizable, TURTLE. A painted one, by the looks of it. Or maybe a box turtle? To be honest, I don't really know that much about them. I scooped the darn thing up with a pitch fork and tossed it into the woods, hopefully never to be seen again. But this just begs the question… what is the strangest/grossest/weirdest thing you have ever pulled out of the hay?


  1. Part of a cat.... YUCK.

  2. That IS really, really gross. Poor thing!

  3. I always seem to pull out dried out toads, and decomposed rats.

  4. I've seen frogs, snakes, mice and even golfballs... but by far the weirdest has to be a dried up squirrel or a deer leg! This coming from the DV Equestrian Center!

  5. A fox! We've gotten plenty of snakes so that's not so unusual, but no one expected a fox. It was kind of sad actually.
